Monday, January 30, 2006
soo tired.but i cant sleep. thinking of that someone. who had been with me in happiness and sorrows.
so bored ryt now. finding things to do. hmm i guess reading is the best way of making me sleep.
and i have a book to finish up. got finish it soon or she will be fined. im realli bored ryt now. ps2 spoilt and it sucks! else i could have spent my holidays completing all sorts of games.
2:15 AM,
originally posted by Pippi
Sunday, January 29, 2006
finally, i got my longest sleep and late wake-up on the Sunday.but its gonna be the same early morning wake ups next wk.alot of things to moving out.yeas im moving out to join you guys out the meeting is just walking distance.yoz my bros noe whu im referring to.but too bad ismadi moved out to jurong.asshole.whu ask you to move so far??world cup is coming and we all can stay up and watch the matches at the coffee house nearby my blk.
yesterdae, was gula-gula 17th birthdae.dinner at Le_Zaat was was power.price also orite.she smiled all the way.nice birthdae present.stomach all full.belt had to be adjust and loosen coz its limiting that fat tummy to adjust to its real shape.heee.
so today's, her one day belated.anione whu havent yet wish her happy it now.its still one day's old.her birthday wishes will be closed after midnite.aniwae, theres some funny story gotta be must be shared.haha.
on our way home in the bus, there were 3 men in the late 30s or so.2 malay and 1 chinese.they were talking about their drinking experience and on how they attract the girls at the bar.the funny thing was when the chinese man said "Eh...i just look at her.just use my eyes.i just stare ar and then she come to me redi.power rite?power rite?aaar...then sumore ar she come readi, i touched down wet readi.wah syiok!seee...power rite me??"...haha.and the other 2 was like "yea.yea.your eyes power man.".so they continue about why the girls all do that. and wow,the chinese man said "they spent all their money bcoz they just want someone to listen to them and sing them songs.wah u just give them hotel california.they sure cry.all they want something that touched their hearts and souls and bring tears to their eyes.and then got one time ar, this girl wallao dunwan let me go one.she asked me to stay with her the whole day and night but i can't i tell her.i spent all my this month salaries on her readi and must go practice my songs.".....practice your songs ar??sure anot?u dont look like singer leh..u sounded like you are drunk dude.aniwae why the fuck are you walking around holding that rotan?smack your 2 malay friends in case they dun listen to you ar?hehehehe...well by, i think the 2 malay men were buskers and sings at the clarke quay tunnel..
well, thats all the posting gonna be on gula-gula belated birthday.HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR to all chinese.
11:46 PM,
originally posted by Pippi
Saturday, January 28, 2006
In Malay Versi
Selamat Hari Jadi! Selamat Hari Jadi! Selamat Hari Jadi Nadia..!Selamat Hari Jadi!!!
In English Versi
Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday to Nadia!! Happy Birthday to You!! ----------------------------------------------------
Happy birthday to you baby!now you're a year older and it's 17.all the best for your future.may allah bless you with good health and life.17 is the new have changed throughout the years.i mean changed alot from the playful lil girl to a wonderful,crazy and still playful grown-up girl.we onli known each other for 2 yrs but 2 yrs is enuf to know alot about your 15 yrs history.the ups and downs.the happiness and sadness.
aniwae 17 is still below the legal age to do the legal stuffs adults do.heee.your dream of driving a car is yet another year keep on dreaming coz dreaming is good for it gave you sort of a goal to achieve in life.
and another are really spoilt you know baby.come to birthday you will always come up with a long wishlist eh.naughty naughty!heeeee.. ; )>
12:41 AM,
originally posted by Pippi
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
good luck to you gula-gula.that day that i had went through is now wat you will be goin will pass with flying sorry i wont be there to be with you when u receive it.i wish i am!and dun be stress about it.
11:14 PM,
originally posted by Pippi
Monday blues.Man utd 1 Liverpool 0
Monday, January 23, 2006

*yawn*..its mondae morning and mondae is the most boring dae in a week.addition to this boring dae is the 1st lesson of boring lecture.
liverpool was at last defeated by the magnificent and strong manchester see the only team that can end every big teams dream of not losing a game for a long period of tym is onli manchester example chelsea and arsenal.manchester united ended arsenal 49 unbeaten records last season.and thats magnificent!hehe..aniwae last nites game, the referee was obviously on liverpool's side.when evra was tackled two footed by stevie gerrard, ref didnt foul him and said gerrard was playing the when sissoko was accidentally trip and i think he loves diving, ref gave a foul.ape ini...but in the end manchester united still wins.hohoho.
aniwae last friday's colour was black.heh.had DCS pbil and it was easy to find out the errors in the network.then after sch headed to work for awhile before head off to meet up some ol frens in the evening.we had dinner at fish n co.ordered two seafood platter and its really seafood platter for each two big fat tummy.hahaha.and something funny happened at the restaurant.after one of the waitress placed plates across farhan, he told us that when she was placing the plates across him, he smelled something stinky and be specific its the smell of a sour armpit.and we thought its firhan but he no it cant be him.but damn!!its that girl!!shes the one who had dat smelly soury armpit!dats awful man for a pretty girl to have such bad odour!hahaha!it really will turn off every man whose chasing after her!
on saturday, had my class 2b evaluation and i was lucky enuf to just earn 18 points to qualify for the tp test.yea!and dat saturdae was a very long boring dae as i spent most of the time sleeping.
to telly and ben, the all time liverpool fans.fuck off!your team lose!ha!and time for me to go to school oreadi.ciao!
8:36 AM,
originally posted by Pippi
Thursday, January 19, 2006
the colour for todae is the international colours of white,blue,yellow and green.singapore polytechnic has a courses & careers fair todae till saturday.lots of boys and girls in school uniform in our no uniform premises.haha.imagine singapore poly without these fairs.its very dull especially on the afternoon.unhappening at all.
played some soccer this afternoon after back DCS results and i scored a B.yeas!hehe.theres taufik batisah pics at the sp website.i was wondering.did he scored good results in sp?does ppl from all over the world come to study at sp because taufik was a former sp student??ha!wateva...
john is getting a!haha.everyone has a car.ben got a BMW to drive.john got a Merc CLS n Honda Jazz to drive.manjo has got a van n Honda Odyssey to will take me another 7 to 8 mths to get a driving license.kuang kuang kuang.maybe i will get a Hyundai Getz to drive.or the Toyota Corolla.
tomorow i have my DCS pbil lab test.tsk!gotta go and do my flow chart!ciao!
9:58 PM,
originally posted by Pippi
She or he?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
eh the only ppl whu pester me to write an entry was alwaes john.surprising.hmm u like to read and noe abt wat happen to me eh?haha.todae colour was blue cap eh?yea...haha..nice colour rite mate?
ok back CA results.funny, tot i wud fail but i got a D+.haha..haziq won me by 1 mark.lucky coz i helped him.bitch!and ben got the highest and that was like impossible the hell he can get so much when all he does before the paper was playing bf2 and be a devil try to influence the rest to go swimming la..and study later.and kah kit got pms.
haziq brought up a topic abt tonite show on tab tv.its title was "she or he?".and he got all the weird thoughts and questions in his head and only chin thong answers all his the questions goes... Question 1 If you were given a choice between a gay and a pretty transvestite with huge breasts and dick, who will you choose? Answer:Gay.I just blindfold myself and let him do the job. And i just have to imagine him as girl.haha(wat the fuck?its better to get the transvestite. at least you have ur hands to work on and imagine him as her would be much easier!hahahaha) Question 2 Who will you choose to fuck?a very ugly fat woman who had fainted or being gagged and tied? Answer:I would rather tie myself up than fuck those 2 ugly girls!hahaha
So the morale of this discussion is "make the wise choice or you will regret it!" and todae colour is blue john mate!heh!
Oh!time is not by our side mates.i have to go.ciao!
10:58 PM,
originally posted by Pippi
Stampede in Mecca kills 45
Sunday, January 15, 2006
what im about to express is just my feelings and my own opinion.there is no hatred or i have anything against Islam.i myself am a Muslim.
going to Mecca is the 5th pillar of Islam.we muslims went to Mecca to do ibadah.a pilgrimage.but what happened?theres a stampede and it this called jihad??but they are not killed by enemies of Islam.did they?
wat i noe is the stampede happened as the pilgrim rushing to perform 'jamrah'.as these stampede happens, some pilgrims fell down of course.but what did the other pilgrims do?just step on them and continue.what is wrong with u people?your fellow Muslim brothers or sisters fell down!!help them up!is this what Islam taught you?to step on them and continue the jamrah??of course not.Islam taught us to be helpful towards our fellow Muslim brothers and be caring and concern towards each other.what if this happen to your own family members??i myself honestly say i will be disappointed.realli.why does this has to happen?we do ibadah together.peacefully.dun have to rush and if we saw them fell, help them up and continue with the ibadah.tats all rite?and no one gets hurt or worst die.
8:20 PM,
originally posted by Pippi
Hi 5!!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
1 2 3 4! High 5!!!
11:34 PM,
originally posted by Pippi